The Institute for Hermetic Studies offers classes in traditional and modern spiritual practices, including general esotericism, alchemy, astrology, kabbalah, and European folk traditions. All presentation are provided as tools for personal awakening and respect the importance of personal freedom and responsibility of each student on "The Path of Return" or spiritual journey.

Who Can Benefit From IHS Courses?
The IHS courses are designed to stand alone on each topic.  however, they clearly combine to form a total view of esoteric practice. Students enrolled in or who experiences with the teachings of the following organizations will find IHS classes extremely beneficial as they will easily supplement what they have already learned rather than replace it.

While the following list is not exhaustive, these schools and movements include: Hermetic Order of the Golden Dawn and those schools such as the Inner Light, Servants of the Light, Church of Light/Brotherhood of Light, Fraternity of the Hidden Light, Order of the Cubic Stone, Societas Rosicruciana in America (SRIA), and others which are in some manner derived from it; Aurum Solis, Rosicrucian Order (AMORC) and its derivatives such as the C+RC, various Martinist orders and groups; the alchemical school of Frater Albertus and its derivatives and the alchemical and qabalistic school The Philosophes of Nature (PON) established by Jean Dubuis.

Some of you will recognize that one or more of these schools has ceases functioning or has changed its curriculum over the years. However, based on our current knowledge, we believe students will find classes offered by the Institute for Hermetic Studies to be a suitable compliment to what they have previously learned or are currently enrolled in. 

Since its inception the Institute for Hermetic Studies as generated a large body of educational materials for its students. These courses are derived from classes and seminar that were often held at the request of one or more students. To help current and future students understand the "ideal" order classes should be studied in. Words of My Teachers was created as a companion study guide to existing courses.

These classes comprise the main body of our work and in themselves are a complete overview of the spiritual path from novice to the earliest stages of classical "spiritual illumination" or enlightenment. In addition, information rarely discussed outside of select esoteric orders is also presented in that it relates to formation of the Body of Light, various problems on the Path of Return, and rarefied states of consciousness.

The Institute for Hermetic Studies would like each of its students to enroll in our course work and complete it from beginning to end. However, we realize this is not realistic as many come to us with a background in one or more schools of esotericism and are simply looking to round-out their education.

To assist them in doing so we have clustered our courses into several Concentrations. More may be added in the future if needed, but for now the existing Concentrations allow all students to examine available courses and how they relate to each other depending on what level of knowledge and practice is desired. You will notice that for each of them, Unfolding the Rose - Illumination in Western Esotericism, our free course is foundational.

Foundations of Spiritual Practice
These course consist of the essential ideas and practices for the Path of Return. It is a condensed course and will provide students with a very thorough introduction of what is to be done, why it is to be done, how it is to be done, and what they may expect from their efforts. It is ideal for those new to esoteric or spiritual practices as well as those who have some training but would like to include some elements that may be missing.

Core Life Improvement
These courses are designed specifically to aid students in improving the overall quality of their lives, with emphasis on self-reflection, action, goal setting and accomplishment, and using these as a basis for successful spiritual pursuits and practices.

Foundations of Medieval and Renaissance Magic
These courses comprise the basis and explanation of Medieval, Renaissance, and even what would be surviving folk magic from the period, wherein the student is given the philosophy, theory, and practical means to engage in various magical practices from their period. Several courses are listed as Optional, and while enrollment in them is strongly encouraged, it is not essential as some students may have acquired this information through previous study.

Addressing Problems on the Path
These courses address the little examined problems that can and do happen as students undertake esoteric practices. These range from common "ego inflation" to the extremes of "obsession" and even "possession." These pathologies may even happen outside the framework of esoteric practices, making this Concentration ideal for those involved in the mental health, healthcare, chaplaincy, religious education, and to a limited degree, educational fields. The Institute for Hermetic Studies can also provide referrals and professional consultations if needed.

Words of My Teachers - The Complete Path of Return
These courses provide a complete and detailed overview of the Path of Return from beginning, through intermediate, to advanced practices rarely found outside of several esoteric orders and societies. Like each of our concentrations this one is self-paced, a large body of support materials is provided, and enrollment in our twice monthly Practice Sessions with Questions and Answers is strongly encouraged so as to meet fellow students, and to obtain support for your practices as you journey towards the 'Inner Sun" and "The Body of Light."

"What we should be after death, we have to attain in life, i.e. holiness and bliss. Here on earth the Kingdom of God begins." - Paracelsus

"The Institute for Hermetic Studies provides a clear and directly applicable approach to spirituality. This is where tradition meets the modern world and as a student I feel like I am getting best of both worlds. Thank you very much!"

- Stephanie P.

Our Instructors

Mark Stavish, M.A., Founder and Director of Studies for the Institute for Hermetic Studies.

John White, PhD, Instructor of Classical and Modern Philosophy

Jamie Paul Lamb, Instructor of Astrology

Ike Baker, Instructor of Classical and Renaissance Theurgy

James Brown, Instructor of Classical Philosophy and Theurgy

Teacher Certification Program

The following students are enrolled in the IHS Teacher Certification Program and have contributed written and video programs for use by other students.

Ann Beckley

SuAnn Hoffman

Keith Joseph

Jacob Mammano

Guest Lecturers
Peter Mark Adams: author The Game of Saturn, Mystai, Hagia Sophia; classical and renaissance theurgy, cosmic patterns, healing

Ike Baker: Philosophical Minds Podcast, Music and Classical Theurgy

Christopher Bilardi: author The Red Church (brauche/pow-wow); Sybil Leek, Frederick Santee, and Modern Witchcraft

Sean Coxen: Producer and Commentator, Hex Hollow: Witchcraft and Murder in Pennsylvania (documentary)

Dr. Stevan Davies: author Spirit Possession and Early Christianity; Gospel of Thomas

Alfred DeStefano III: Conjuration of Chaos - The Magical Universe of Kenneth Grant

Bill Edwards: author The Meaning of Masonry; and producer of Please Talk With Me (documentary)

Chris DeCesare: experiencer in Please Talk With Me (Ghost Boy)

Michael Eleleth: Roots of the Tree of Gnosis - Basic Principles of Egyptian Hermeticism

Dale Graff: author River of Dreams, Project Stargate (US Remote Viewing)

George P. Hansen: author Trickster and the Paranormal
Russ House: alchemy with Frater Albertus, AMORC, and Philosophers of Nature

Steven Intermill: Director, Buckland Museum of Witchcraft and Magic

Steve Kalec: alchemy, Jean Dubuis, AMORC

Mark Allen Keyes: author Chasing Shadows - A Criminal Investigators Look into the Paranormal

Erik Krogstad: Sigils and the Vault of Christian Rosenkreutz

Patrice Maleze: alchemy, Jean Dubuis, Philosopher of Nature

David Metcalfe: Occulture, Folklore, Media and Spirituality

Porcupine Pat McKinney: Pow-Wow

Robert Phoenix: author The Pow-Wow Grimoire

Candace Perry: Curator Schwenkfelder Museum, Supernatural Phenomena from the Middle Ages to Colonial America

Robert Podgurski: author The Sacred Alignments and Sigils - Angelic Magic, Renaissance Thought, and Modern Methods of Sigilization

Nick Seigert: author Natural Man Illumined - Johann Gichtel's Mystical Figures at Ephrata

Bob Smith: Sixty Skill Podcast, Franz Bardon and the Outer Planets

Shannon Taggart: author Seance, with Foreword by Dan Aykroyd
Craig Williams: Tantra, Body Practices, and the Physical Dimensions of Spirituality

Hunter M. Yoder: author, Hex Signs as Sacred Space, Hex Highway

Stan Zurek: Pennsylvania Paranormal Association, author Suscon Screams - A Paranormal Legend

"The Institute for Hermetic Studies as given me tools in a more focused and direct manner that I could use immediately than I have found in others schools. In doing so it helped me realize that I am responsible for you life, and how to take charge of that great gift in an effective way." - Denise D.