Concise and proven methods for bringing material, psychic, and spiritual goals into realization. These are intermediate to advanced practices.

Hello, I am Mark Stavish and I am your instructor. The purpose of this course is to provide students with an advanced theoretical framework for their spiritual practices as well as a solid foundation for practical results. This material has been proven to help people achieve their personal goals, and greater happiness from life. We know it can do the same for you.

Course emphasis is on practical and demonstrable method that include: inner energies and outer effects, psychokinesis, why lucid dreaming is critical, memory palaces and astral travel, the meaning and use of willpower, and preparing to survive in the hereafter.

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Ancient and modern practices to aid the student in bringing order, harmony, and success into their life.

An examination of outer and inner energies and how to access and direct them.

Clear and specific instructions on inner dimensions, dreaming, memory palaces, and their role in after-life survival.