Ancestors, Lineage, and Spirit Guides

Ancestors, Lineage, and the Spirit Guides in Esoteric Practice

By Mark Stavish, M.A.

Over the last few years there has been a resurgence in the role of ancestors and spirit guides within the ceremonial aspects of Western magical traditions. This is has come as a natural outgrowth of a ‘return to the sources’ approach seen by those who practice what has come to be known by some as “Old System Magic” – a term coined by my teacher, friend, and co-worker Dr. Joseph Lisiewski. Many who have expanded on the ideas he presented have created over the last decade or so a virtual renaissance in working medieval magic in strict accordance with its rules. Others have used them as a jumping off point that has fueled research that itself is a natural extension of the ideas and methods presented by the Classical and Medieval authorities of magic. It then comes as no surprise that we see a ‘back to the land’ approach with folk magic and even - dare we say the ‘W’ word – witchcraft. In the end, we end up asking ourselves, what does it mean to be part of a tradition, to be part of a lineage? If there is survival in some form after death, or spiritual mastership wherein time and space are overcome, can we then contact those who have gone before us and benefit from their direct blessing?

Until the late 19th century direct contact with spirits of all sorts, be it through evocation to visible appearance in a Triangle of Art, a crystal, carafe of water, or mirror was the expected work of a magician. Even when this changed to direct spirit possession as demonstrated by the Spiritualist Movement, or the less demanding automatic writing (now a ‘spirit’ or Ouija Board is most commonly used), the goal was the same: two-way communication with the invisible. However, communication of any kind, with the ‘living’ or the ‘dead’ is dangerous if one is not mature (i.e, wise) enough to know what they are doing. As we have pointed out in our monograph, Studies in Poltergeists, Obsession & Possession (IHS Monograph Series) just because someone is dead doesn’t mean they are suddenly wise or even nice. To communicate safely with the invisible – or more specifically, those centers of consciousness, sentient beings if you will – intelligences that inhabit those domains we need ‘a friend and guide’ to introduce us. This friendship is something that is earned, not demanded, and if done properly, can open us up to a host of realizations that only direct experience can bring – including Illumination itself.

Just as modern studies on psychology have demonstrated that our lives become like those of our closest friends, so too does our life, or rather consciousness that shapes our life, become like those ideals we aspire to. Those individuals who also aspired to those ideals and succeeded to various degrees become role models. It is for this reason that the practice of “The Ideal Model” which is simply another name for ‘Guru Yoga” or “Assumption of the Godform” as presented in the writings on Psychosynthesis by Roberto Assagioli are so helpful to us.

In short, we become what our most common thought is. We become who we associate with, associations both physical and metaphysical. The process of psychic contamination and spiritual blessing is the same, only the outcome is different. The company we keep defines who we are and what we become.

Ancestors – Our First Family

Know Thyself – Where Have You Come From?

While the Twentieth Century has seen the near eradication of ancestor worship and communication within Western esotericism the Twenty-First Century is seeing its return. The removal of this link in the spiritual chain is the result of several forces: substitution by the churches of the ‘Holy Family’ for family lines, a sense of intellectual and spiritual superiority of various occult schools over what they saw as primitive practices, legitimate dangers with undirected spirit communication, and even political and social agendas aimed at creating a false egalitarianism and attempting to wipe out individual, clan, and ethnic differences.

In the West, and in the United States of America in particular, this has given rise to hostility and rejection of one’s family as can be seen in divorce rates, illegitimacy, and even attacks on the value and importance of nuclear family itself. The very foundational ideas of family – and what that means in terms of genetic (and with it intellectual, spiritual, and cultural) continuity are falsely treated as if they can be replaced by the state and social media. While we can build upon the foundation of who we are – those experiences we have inherited - we cannot replace them. This is critical to understanding the role ancestors in our physical and spiritual awakening.

While it is possible to dress in foreign garb, adopt a name other than that of your parents gave you, and even move far from your place of birth, you cannot escape the physical and metaphysical DNA that makes up your genetic potential. You cannot escape who you are, only work with it. To do this you must first accept it, and appreciate it – gratitude is the attitude that is required for all lasting progress in life.

While we must move away from our birth family and make our way in the world, it does not mean that we abandon them. Even if our birth family is what has become popularly labeled as ‘disfunctional’ is it important to appreciate the bare minimum they have done for us, even if it meant learning lessons the hard way. In fact, we only learn lessons the hard way. It is through reflection on our pain that we understand cause and effect. And, if we are believers in karma, then we alone are responsible for our life, for our lives, and that means how we enter them, what we learn in them, and how we move on to the next. If you family was painful, then thank them for giving birth to you, the opportunity to make your life as you wish on your own terms, desire the best for them, and move on. Break the physical and psychic contact and replace it with compassion and gratitude for the simple fact that if all you received from them was physical life and little else, then it is that one thing that is allowing you to read this book now and make changes in your life. These changes then direct your future, and with it, the collective karma of your entire family line. Right now, you alone have the possibility and responsibility of purifying your collective family karma and turning suffering into a blessing.

Lineage – Our Second Family

Know Thyself – Where Are You Now, How Did You Get There, and Where Are You Going?

Our spiritual family is often our ‘second family’ and its members often addressed in familial terms: Father, Mother, Brother or Sister. Relationships are expected to be hierarchical with the ‘adults’ being in charge while the ‘siblings’ follow the directions they have come to receive. While such arrangements are open to abuse and even criminal activity, they are difficult to avoid. The nuclear family arrangement is the basis of the extended family of clan and tribe, upon which is built larger tribal and ethnic structures. Like the birth family, spiritual families can be either highly functional to dangerously dysfunctional, and everything in between. It is up to us to not be blinded by our own pathologies and idealism, and to develop the wisdom needed to know what we are joining. The same is true with various groups and orders. It is far better that they stay small and well-regulated than open the door to everyone. Once in, a newly adopted ‘child’ can do tremendous harm to an organization that does not carefully screen its candidates at every step of the way. Lineages are living organisms, egregores if you will, and both influence as well as are influenced by their constituent parts - their members both visible and invisible.

Prayers to those who have gone before us on the path are designed to both inspire us in our work so that we may realize our potential in the example of others, as well as to bring us into direct contact with those to whom we are directing our prayers. While the first part is easily understood, the second part, which constitutes genuine inspiration or as we see from the origin of the word: from the Middle English enspire, from Old French inspirer, from Latin inspirare ‘breathe or blow into,’ from in- ‘into’ + spirare ‘breathe.’ The word was originally used of a divine or supernatural being, in the sense ‘impart a truth or idea to someone.’ We are looking for direct spiritual contact and revelation, in a word – illumination – to be filled with light.

Spirit Realm – Our Third Family

Know Thyself – Where Are You Going and Why?

Light is the basis of reality. Light is the foundation of all that exists, even in the material realm. From light comes all that exists: particles, atoms, molecules, minerals, vegetables, animals, and with it all humanity. What is important to remember is that each step is a progression, but not an exclusion of the previous step, as each step or contains all of the previous elements within it. As we move from light to particles we still have light. As we move from plants to animals we have everything that came before it, and in this manner, each human being is truly a microcosm of the entire cosmos – or elements or phases of evolution. As we enter into the spiritual path we turn our attention literally towards the light within. As we expand our awareness, we realize that this Light is not exclusive, but in omnipresent, and with it, omniscient, and omnipotent. It also is experienced as Light, Life, and Love. Light illumines, life animates, and love attracts and engenders. Since all sentient, or conscious beings express these qualities to greater and lesser degrees, it is incumbent upon us to recognize them in others as well as ourselves.

To aid us in our communion with the vast array of beings that inhabit our inner as well as outer cosmos we first must recognize their existence; second, realize that they have desires or goals just as we do and seek to harmonize those goals with our own. Finally, to engender good will between ourselves and them – regardless of who or what they may be. To do this we encourage both family and lineage prayers, but the use of offerings as detailed in Words of My Teachers (IHS Study Guides, Vol. IV) and Wisdom’s Bliss and Khamael’s Spear: Special Edition.

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