The Unknown Magus: An Introduction to the Life and Works of Julius Evola

by Dr. John White

Date Presented: August 24, 2024

Price: $20


Julius Evola (1898-1974) is possibly the most famous and infamous esotericists of the Twentieth Century. Virtually unknown outside of European circles, his works became available in English in the mid 1990s, and were of interest to a limited number of readers - until now. Over the last decade Julius Evola has gone from being an "unknown magus" in the English speaking world to a major force filled with controversy. From his earliest roots in the avante guard movement, his philosophical support of Italian nationalism in the tulmultuous period between the world wars, to his involvement with the now famous UR Group of magical practitioners, Evola remains not only a "radical traditionalist" but radically misunderstood.

Maligned as being a pillar of neo-fascist movements, Evola was vocally anti-authoritarian, and radically pro-individualist. His esoteric philosophy was rooted in the fundamental rejection of modernity and its "myth of progress." For Evola, and those with whom he associated esotericism had one purpose: initiation into "the Magical World of Heroes" and become "regal disciples of high Jupiter."

In this talk, Dr. White, a professor of renaissance and modern philosophy, and Board Certified Jungian Therapist and Trainer, will discuss Evola in the context of Europe between and after the world wars, and what that means for understanding and applying the lessons Evola has to teach modern practitioners of operative esotericism.

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Your Instructor

John R. White Ph.D., LPC is a licensed professional counselor, practicing Jungian psychoanalyst, and Coordinator of the C. G. Jung Institute Analyst Training Program of Pittsburgh. Dr. White was formerly a philosophy professor, with more than twenty years’ academic experience, and taught at various institutions in Europe and the United States. He is currently Scholar-in-Residence at the Simon Silverman Phenomenology Center at Duquesne University. He received his doctorate in philosophy from Die Internationale Akademie für Philosophie in the Principality of Liechtenstein, in Europe, and his Diploma in Jungian Psychoanalysis from the Interregional Society of Jungian Analysts. He has more than thirty scholarly publications in both philosophy and psychoanalysis and two forthcoming books in psychoanalysis. He is currently working on a book manuscript on the psychology and practice of New Thought.

Dr. White’s original interests in esotericism began a quarter century ago with his study and teaching of Renaissance philosophy. He later became a practitioner and an initiate in several esoteric traditions, including Freemasonry and the Ordo Astrum Sophiae. His research revolves around the various links among psychology, parapsychology, philosophy, and esotericism. He is Vice President of the Board of the Institute for Hermetic Studies and a contributor to VOXHERMES.

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Riding the Tiger

Evola's philosophy of traditionalism vs the modern world may best be exemplified in the Oriental phrase, "Riding the tiger." This is is how to overcome the materialistic bent of modernity without succumbing to to either false hope or fear. From this, the courage of initiation reveals to each of us the pathway of the "Heroes" and immortality.